Anthony Braxton's Gambit in DE SINGEL

We’re already a month later, but it’s with great pleasure that I’m looking back to the wonderful Anthony Braxton celebration in DE SINGEL in Antwerp on june 5th, with some great shots by Dawid Laskowski and Geert Vandepoele!

The event included an exposition with excerpts of Braxton’s unique graphic scores, photos and a mini-documentary. Lectures by Timo Hoyer and James Fei. And an evening concert featuring:

  • Creative Orchestra Music performed by a fantastic student orchestra of the Royal Conservatory Antwerp (and incidentally my conducting debut).

  • Ghost Trance Septet performing Composition No. 255 (with Anna Sakham Jalving, Frederik Sakham Jalving Lomborg, Steven Delannoye, Niels Van Heertum, Elisa Medinilla, João Lobo and yours truly)

  • Anthony Braxton quartet (with James Fei, Chris Jonas, Ingrid Laubrock, Anthony Braxton)