An Index of Metals meets An Index of Metals

On thursday 28/09 I will perform Fripp and Eno's "An Index Of Metals" from my project "No [more] Pussyfooting" in a support act to the Ictus ensemble, who will then play Fausto Romitelli's "An Index Of Metals". It is known that Fausto Romitelli was influenced by psychedelic prog rock by the likes of King Crimson and others and knew the work of Fripp and Eno very well. The fact that Romitelli's mesmerising video-opéra bears the same title as the track on the b-side of Fripp and Eno's second studio album "Evening Star" is no coincidence. I'm very excited that both "Indexes" finally meet!!

The concert is a part of the Bozar Electronic Arts Festival and will take place at Bozar on thursday 28/09 at 20h.